Jan 29, 2021
Every Wednesday on The Litt Factor FB Business Page I host Wednesday Wisdom. This one was so juicy, I wanted to share it here with you too.
If you want what you say you want, you can’t need it.
I need more money. I need more clients. I need someone in my life. All of that need it blocking you from actualizing it.
Jan 22, 2021
Pumped about this week’s guest, Tim Shurr. He is an expert when in human behavior and potential. Tim has helped tens of thousands of people uncover the unhealthy habits and belief systems that hold people back from having their greatest impact. He is a renowned public speaker, podcast host of How to Be Mesmerizing...
Jan 15, 2021
You deserve nothing less than you’ve ever desired, that’s the
truth. Are you energetically ready to receive it?
You generate what you want, when you appreciate everything about
what you already have. Expressing deep gratitude for what already
exists in your everyday life. By doing so, you open yourself
Jan 8, 2021
How good are you at receiving?
If you’re like 99% of the women when they start working with me, the truth is…. Not very good.
The problem is, most high-achieving women think that by not needing help or asking for support they’re being strong, independent and successful. The opposite couldn’t be more true. To be...
Jan 1, 2021
It's no surprise that fear is the underpinning of what blocks your next levels of success...but did you know that fear of success itself is a thing? It is, and you unquestionably struggle with it. We all do. Fear of success boils down to fear of actualizing everything you want...having it all. Once you identify where...