Jan 27, 2023
Hey, gorgeous!
Let's have a little chat.
We’re raised our entire lives to seek the ‘how’.
To find the answer.
To search for the solution.
To look outside of ourselves for the cause. The reason.
That this ‘how’ is external.
That what's happening on the outside is what’s creating how we feel on...
Jan 27, 2023
Sometimes we do things because we think we should.
Sometimes we do things because our ego takes over.
Sometimes we get caught up in our desires and ignore our highest self.
Let’s get right to the obvious question, “what the fuck happened to the ‘What Would She Do?’™ podcast”? And, how does what I...
Jan 27, 2023
Have you experienced this rollercoaster ride before:
Monday: Totally pumped and ready to take action!
Wednesday: Shrinking back and totally paralyzed by fear.
Friday: I'm all in again, and starting to tell some people!
Sunday: Start to cower back down, and think “Who do I think I am? This is crazy. You're...
Jan 27, 2023
Here’s the truth:
You are whole now.
Right NOW.
If you’re operating through the lens of trying to prove yourself, of only being as valuable or invaluable as the last success you had- it becomes a one way ticket to experiencing adrenal fatigue, burnout, chronic exhaustion, and a low energetic frequency.